Building Partnership
European Regional Development Fund |

Innovative pilgrim route - viable and orientation community database and data collection platform

cikk, szerző: sodi

In other words: Pilgrim databank. That was the short form of its name when it was first presented.

The project debuted under the Interreg V-A Slovakia – Hungary Collaborative Programme with the ID number SKHU/WETA/1901/4.1/304. The Permeo O. Z. and the Zarándok Turizmusért Nonprofit Kft. together worked on it.  

In this collaborative project a platform was crated, what’s implementation period started in 01.12.2020. and finished in 31.08.2021.

The partners, according to their past experience, agreed during the planning stage, that there was a need for a platform what helps pilgrims, hikers and other tourists at the same time, since many could face difficulties on a path.

That is the reason why this platform was constructed. By using it, hikers and pilgrims could share updated information about their trips in the groups. The partners of the project created a free platform what can be reached both on your computer or mobile phone through the internet. From the pilgrimages’ viable and orientation data the most common problems can be collected and exported into an easily readable file.

By signing into the admin page, the users can detect the given problems’ type and source, since the reports can be supported by pictures as a proof of the problem. This can serve more as a notification for the admins as a confirmation for problems reported by other users as well. 

On mobile, or other devices connected to the internet, a multilingual (in Sloviakian, Hungarian and English) interface can be reached. The users can send new reports by the types of the routes’ viability (roadblock or danger) and the state of the orientation devices (unsigned paths) to the admins. Moreover, there is an option to give a detailed description about the problem and the location.

From the collected data are shared with the partners and the authorities of the affected routes (governments and natural parks) to ensure the viability and high exploitation rate of the routes.

This finished project could be executed only by the international collaboration, with the shared objectives for maintaining the already existing values.

For those who wish to use the platform during their hiking, trip or pilgrimage, they can send a report from here.





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